Click here to submit the inquiry by choosing 'Registration' under the 'Inquiry Type.' We encourage you to keep your proof of purchase documents in a safe place to support the warranty of your new product. Windows device driver information for Sanyo USB Com Port. The Sanyo USB Com Port is a device that is most convenient to its users due to portability. This device is an ac adapter that is universal and has the ability to charge many devices. Its dimensions are 3.72' by 1.9' by 0.7'.
Category: USB
Manufacturer: Sanyo
Caution Level: Intermediate
Download File Size: 2.71 MB
Operating System: Windows 98/2000/2003/XP/98SE/ME
Latest Version / Release Date: N/A / 06 Nov 2009
Windows device driver information for Sanyo USB Com Port
The Sanyo USB Com Port is a device that is most convenient to its users due to portability. This device is an ac adapter that is universal and has the ability to charge many devices. Its dimensions are 3.72' by 1.9' by 0.7'. Its weight is two ounces and it has a small USB cable that fits in the side of the charger when not in use. This device can be used to charge regular NiMH cells and can also simultaneously charge two AA batteries. To use the Sanyo USB Com Port, people are only required to plug it into a USB port and then insert the batteries to be charged. When charging is in progress, an internal LED which is blue in color blinks. It stops blinking when charging is complete. The charge time depends on number of batteries and their state.
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The Sanyo USB Com Port can also be used to install games on personal computers. It features a 15 pin connector and it has a USB interface. It is powered by a personal computer. It can be disconnected and connected without having to reboot the system. It is compatible with windows 98, ME, XP and 200. It comes with driver software. A charging rate of 850mA is experienced when charging one cell. In cases where there are two cells, the charging rate stands at 450mA. This charger regulates charge just like a transformer and this zeros out the risk of damage to the cells following a high current. Its switch mode is of a 4-mode. The TM-FCS controller is used with mode 1. Users on this device are always advised to check its compatibility with their systems. They should also ensure that they are using the latest drivers which can be got from the manufacturer's official website. It is highly recommended you run a free registry scan for Windows and Sanyo USB Com Port errors before installing any driver updates.